I remember back in the olden days (that would be as little as five years ago) that print media was one of the major ways to advertise. Literally thousands could be spent on relatively simple brochures. Boy, things have changed with the advent of the internet—and more recently, the explosion of social media.

I remember Leonard and I used to have lengthy debates about whether or not printing was going the way of the do-do bird. I maintained (and still do) that we humans are tactile creatures: we will always want to pick something up, turn the pages, feel the paper, read something quickly, keep it handy for future reference. And so far, I’m still right: while less emphasis is placed on print media for advertising and marketing than it used to be, it’s still an incredibly effective and relevant tool to promote your business.

It’s so easy to go online these days and order a set of business cards for a ridiculously low amount. And that’s great. But we have found that a lot of businesses make the mistake of just focusing on getting something printed: they don’t think about how they’re going to use what they’ve just printed, how they’ll distribute it, or how it works with the rest of their marketing efforts. A mailer, for example, can be just a mailbox filler-upper, or it can powerful motivator for people to look at your product or services; it all depends on how you do it.

Technology in the printing industry today allows you to do very small quantities very cost effectively. It also allows the previously unheard-of ability of customizing each and every piece you print, specific to the person that will be receiving it. There are so many options out there: what do you do? You can’t afford to do it wrong.

We are experts—literally—on printing. We’ve been doing it a LONG time. We know the complexities involved (even the newest technology!) and how to make it work for you. Tight deadlines? No problem. We can handle everything, from planning simple or complex campaigns, designing a compelling piece (or pieces), and printing—to complex fulfillment requirements, anywhere in the nation. We’ve even won awards for our printing! If you’re interested in how print media can work to promote your brand and your business, give us a shout.